Viceroy IPA
Viceroy India Pale Ale is brewed with Greensand aquifer water, English malted barley and the finest Kent grown hops. It is fermented with Westerham Brewery’s own heritage yeast culture to produce a fruity and hoppy India Pale Ale.
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My Story
Francis Younghusband lived in Westerham (1921-1937) and explored India with his friend Lord Curzon. Curzon wrote in his memoirs, ‘as I rode down the grassy slopes, I saw coming towards me in the distance the figure of a solitary horseman. It was Younghusband’s native servant. At that moment I would have given a Kingdom, not for Champagne or hock and soda, or hot coffee but for a glass of beer! He approached and salaamed. I uttered but one word, ‘beer’. Without a moment’s hesitation, he put his hand in the fold of his tunic and drew therefrom a bottle... Happy forethought! O Prince of Hosts! Most glorious moment!’.
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Andy's Beer Reviews